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مذكرة aim high للصف الاول الاعدادى الترم الاول pdf
Brand: The name of a product made by particular company. : The drawings and plans for a new product before a company makes it.
Design: A piece of paper or material that gives information about the product it is on.
Label: A symbol or design that a company uses as its sign.
Logo: A short sentence in an advertisement that is easy to remember.
Slogan: The materials that companies use to cover their products. : Not wanting to work.
Packaging: Wanting to keep money for yourself rather than share it with others.
Lazy: Expecting bad things to happen.
Mean: having good manners and showing respect for others
Pessimistic Well- mannered: Making very little noise.
Quiet Considerate: Caring about other people.
Patient: Being calm when there is a problem or when you have to wait.